Simmergy - Get motivated Simmergy - Get inspired

GET Motivated… GET inspired…
Use SIMMERGY to realise your personal & business vision.

Do you have a problem? With people? 

 Is the problem too many people? Not enough? Not enough of the right kind?  
Short of Capabilities that you need? Are your people confused? Not thinking straight?  
Do your people get overwhelmed or become impotent in the flurry of detail and activity surrounding them?

Well, SIMMERGY can help!

Tell me more  
Colin Simmonds and Individual

Simmergy can help Individuals Taking the 'One on one' approach

Why is MOTIVATION & INSPIRATION so important for Individuals?

...because its people that get things done!

SIMMERGY through its MENTORING programme facilitates the building of confidence, which generates motivated people who then with SIMMERGY direction develop their own wherewithal to win with positive strategic thinking...

...what is strategic thinking?

This is dynamic thinking; working out how your dreams and objectives can be met. Too often we think about what we want to achieve, but never consider or work out the journey or the activities that gets you there!

...enabling you to execute your business strategy...

SIMMERGY'S core competence is enabling people to think clearer and think smarter... to analyse and understand; what hurdles need to be overcome, who else will be in the race, how each individual can differentiate themselves and best communicate their particular advantages.

...making the vision for your business a reality.

SIMMERGY will help your people understand what their objectives mean, define the essential element of what they are really seeking to achieve, how they can reach their desired destination and, finally, how they will know when they have arrived.

Simmergy logo

SIMMERGY'S core competence is enabling people to think clearer and smarter

Take the first step in making your business vision a reality

Colin Simmonds training businesses

SIMMERGY works with TeamsTaking the Holistic Approach

Boost confidence, give clarity & inspire determination...

Colin Simmonds founder and owner of SIMMERGY works through a unique process and condenses it into a delivered Motivation & Inspirational Address to your meetings and conferences.

 In whatever environment you choose, Colin will cover all the elements required in "getting things done". He will accompany them with relevant and, often amusing, real life examples of how you can succeed, what success could look like and how to avoid some of the pitfalls that cause lack of progress.

SIMMERGY ensure that your people know how to succeed

important for business and institutions?


The lessons on positive thinking from history are:

Yoda - Star wars


When Luke Skywalker told Yoda the Jedi master that he would try to connect with the Force, Yoda told him "do or do not... there is no try!"

Admiral Horatio Nelson - Historical figure


In Nelson's famous speech at Trafalgar, he did not hope or wish that his sailors would do the job required, he actually said that "England EXPECTS..." This is a clear message, unambiguous and presumptive in its tone. It is very difficult for an individual to interpret that message differently!

Mahatma Gandhi - Civil rights leader


Mahatma Gandhi in founding a Nation predicted that "a small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history."

Carl Lewis - Olympic gold medalist


The American gold medal athlete Carl Lewis puts the mind set required into context "If you don't have confidence, you'll always find a way not to win."

Take the first step in making your business vision a reality

 Invite SIMMERGY to get involved with you and your people to enable and facilitate your organisation’s mindset and clarify the tasks to be completed.

 SIMMERGY has many aspects and tools to help you deliver your vision: 

business vision ideas