Colin Simmonds' unique approach

So How Do We Do It?

Our Way of Working; an approach that delivers…

MOTIVATION & INSPIRATION the essential beating heart of the SIMMERGY proposition.

SIMMERGY will inspire the people to get progress started, enabled and completed. SIMMERGY’s work can be:

One to One

One to One ‘mentoring’ of key individuals, primarily focused on leaders and managers who are either in ‘position’ or have the potential for tomorrow.

One to One

SIMMERGY can work in groups in workshop scenarios for group learning, leadership development and capacity acquisition.

One to One

SIMMERGY can work in Businesses trying to execute their strategies or with individuals attempting to achieve something in an oversubscribed environment, e.g. selling in tough, competitive markets

One to One

Motivational addresses to multi-functional groups who need setting on the path to achievement…

people mentoring

SIMMERGY, either through a dynamic address or a "one to one" MENTORING programme, will provide businesses and individuals with the necessary motivation and inspiration alongside relevant and meaningful examples illustrating how best to get the key things done. It's all about inspiring people to do the things that need doing... because they want to do them! This is achieved through Colin's own unique competences in identifying talent, then managing, leading and motivating people to get things done.

analysis and results

This competence includes a unique customer interaction system that brings results.

The RESOLVE Programme will deliver "game changing" capabilities, will enable the development of advantaged and differentiated products that in turn will create leading market positions delivering superior returns... People have to be motivated to rapidly and energetically execute!

achieving targets

From assisting an analysis of the current position, understanding and detailing what it is that is targeted to achieve, to setting up the processes that form manageable and active Governance Models including the myriad of work streams that need completing. SIMMERGY will enable the driving of these work streams including keeping their leaders and their teams focused upon reaching the desired conclusion and subsequent arrival at the proposed destination.


It’s all about inspiring people to do the things that need
doing... because they want to do them!

Want to know more about how WE can help YOU?