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Lighting the candle

A book about rugby that shows you
true business skills in action.

Lighting the Candle

Colin Simmonds from SIMMERGY has published ‘Lighting the Candle’ to show you what rugby union and business can learn from each other. It has come from a great love of the game of rugby and a desire to reap the benefits of a successful business career.

This is more than a book on rugby. It merges these two aspects using a number of business initiatives that have been successfully used in various business consultancy assignments by SIMMERGY, such as:

strategic focus,
Creating relevant and
deployable business
plans; and,
Most of all,
solving the eternal
people puzzle... 

How do business leaders motivate, focus and deploy the human resources at their disposal? 

This book discusses the common need for:

Some controversial issues are discussed, from the occasional lack of enforcement of the laws to illustrating the skills and capabilities that are required to develop players so that they can enjoy and deliver the fun that the game has, should and can provide.

Simmergy logo

Using SIMMERGY Ltd as the commercial vehicle has provided a unique business perspective to peer into the game of rugby union and its associated cast.

Rugy helmet Rugy helmet

This book contains something for all manner of people

From experienced rugby aficionados to young people just starting the game; from the, often puzzled, spectator, who seeks to share in the ethos and camaraderie that the game gives in spades, right through to the experienced observer - both fervent and casual. It is for players and coaches at all levels; for parents and teachers; for the game’s lawmakers and enforcers; for committee members; and for sponsors and media.

Indeed, there is DEFINITELY something here for frazzled business managers,
wondering how best to motivate and challenge their people!

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